Blues Traveler

Not in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

Eligible since: 2016

First Recording: 1990

Previously Considered? No  what's this?

Blues Traveler
🔲Rolling Stone 500 Albums
🔲Rolling Stone 500 Songs
🔲Rolling Stone Cover
Saturday Night Live
🔲Major Festival Headliner
🔲Songwriters Hall of Fame
🔲“Big Four” Grammys

Essential Songs (?)WikipediaYouTube
But Anyway (1990)
Run-Around (1994)
Hook (1994)

Blues Traveler @ Wikipedia

Will Blues Traveler be inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame?
"Musical excellence is the essential qualification for induction."
No :


5 comments so far (post your own)

John Popper should be in of his own accord not only in blues traveller which had an enormous sound that broke through the mid 90's nonsense because it was so undeniably great. they had the longest running #1 song in history to boot.

John Popper is widely considered a harmonica virtuoso with harmonica manufacturers placing him on their exclusive list of prominent performers.

Posted by john on Saturday, 03/5/2016 @ 10:48am

the harmonica guy blows.

Posted by DIAMOND on Sunday, 03/18/2018 @ 10:48am

Definitely should be in by now. They formed in 1987, Popper was born in Ohio. I mean for Gods sake Jay Z is being considered before Blues Traveler? For the ROCK hall?

Posted by Ben on Thursday, 03/25/2021 @ 06:57am

John Popper is supremely talented playing the Harmonica, can we name a musician that is in the same stratosphere in regards to playing harmonica. If his amazing musical talent alone does not meet the Hall of Fame criteria, the induction board members need to figure out their life.

Posted by Nate Ecks on Saturday, 05/6/2023 @ 22:39pm

John Popper stood out in the 90s the hat,glasses,sideburns., swear running down his face.... he looked like a real musician. It's wrong Blues Traveler has not been included yet I know it matters to their fans and families les, wives etc they won't say much about it --Little Walter & Paul Butterfield are among my other all time favorite harmonica players

Posted by Ken O. on Thursday, 08/17/2023 @ 12:37pm

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Future Rock Legends is your home for Blues Traveler and the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, including year of eligibility, number of nominations, induction chances, essential songs and albums, and an open discussion of their career.

This site is not affiliated with the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum.