Uncovering the Next Generation's Hall of Fame

⇦ 1955 | 1957 ⇨ |
Artists who Became Eligible for the Rock Hall in 1956
These artists released their first recording in 1931. They have been eligible since the first Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony in 1986. Artists aleady inducted in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame are highlighted in orange.
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Kansas Joe And Memphis Minnie Sidney Bechet | Uncle Dave Macon |
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⇦ 1955 | 1957 ⇨ |
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10 comments so far (post your own)Cab Calloway should have been inducted as an Early Influence anytime during the first five years of the Hall's existence so he would have been able to accept the award (Calloway passed away at 86 in 1994). If the Hall ever does induct him, he won't be able to attend the ceremony, sadly. Posted by Zach on Sunday, 05/12/2013 @ 23:02pm |
m8 do u even Dust Bowl Ballads? Posted by GFW on Monday, 05/13/2013 @ 15:07pm |
Dust Bowl Ballads is a collection of some of the most coma-inducing "songs" ever recorded. Nasally whining and amateurish guitar playing were the order of the day on this dreck. Posted by Zach on Tuesday, 05/14/2013 @ 00:03am |
Then again, folk does not require musical excellence. One must look to jazz, blues, country-western, and other, most respectable genres for that. To use an analogy, folk is to music what Pabst Blue Ribbon is to alcoholic beverages: cheap, disposable, and bad. Jazz is more equivalent to the finest-tasting champagne, and as such ages much better. Posted by Cheesecrop on Tuesday, 05/14/2013 @ 16:49pm |
I don't necessarily believe that there is such a thing as a proper set of lyrics, but if a songwriter has a gripe about the state of the world, maybe he or she should come up with a legitimate solution and implement it, rather than using his or her music as a backdrop for their so-called "messages." It's one thing for a song to raise awareness of an issue, but to try to proselytize people into accepting your message as a universal standard that should not be questioned, that's completely uncalled for. Posted by Zach on Tuesday, 05/14/2013 @ 18:15pm |
"It's one thing for a song to raise awareness of an issue, but to try to proselytize people into accepting your message as a universal standard that should not be questioned, that's completely uncalled for." Posted by Arrow Man on Wednesday, 05/15/2013 @ 01:56am |
You obviously haven't read all my posts here if you think that's my MO. Also, I don't ever recall stating that my opinions were carved in granite. I don't pretend to be an expert. I'm just a very knowledgeable music fan. I would rather leave the expert label to individuals like Will Friedwald. Posted by Zach on Wednesday, 05/15/2013 @ 04:46am |
"Then again, folk does not require musical excellence." Posted by GFW on Wednesday, 05/15/2013 @ 14:57pm |
Cheesecrop, you know how I feel bout our young stormtrooper Zach. If there were more songs that praised the overclass (IMO), der Zach would be A-OK with 'political' themes. Posted by Paul in KY on Wednesday, 05/15/2013 @ 21:29pm |
Oh, let me tell you about a dunce named Paul, Posted by Zach on Wednesday, 05/15/2013 @ 22:57pm |
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