Lady Gaga

Not in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

Eligible in: 2033

First Recording: 2008

Lady Gaga
Rolling Stone 500 Albums
Rolling Stone 500 Songs
Rolling Stone Cover
Saturday Night Live
Major Festival Headliner
Super Bowl Halftime
🔲Songwriters Hall of Fame
🔲“Big Four” Grammys
Apple's 100 Best Albums

Inducted into Rock Hall Projected in 2036.

R.S. Top 500 Albums (?)RankVersion
Born This Way4842020

R.S. Top 500 Songs (?)RankVersion
Bad Romance (2009)4822021

Essential Albums (?)WikipediaYouTube
The Fame (2008)
The Fame Monster (2009)
Born This Way (2011)
ARTPOP (2013)
A Star Is Born: Original Soundtrack (2018)
Chromatica (2020)

Essential Songs (?)WikipediaYouTube
Just Dance (2008)
Paparazzi (2008)
Poker Face (2008)
Bad Romance (2009)
Telephone (2009)
Alejandro (2009)
Monster (2009)
Born This Way (2011)
The Edge of Glory (2011)
Applause (2013)
Million Reasons (2016)
Shallow (2018)
Stupid Love (2020)
Rain on Me (2020)

Lady Gaga @ Wikipedia

Induction chances: 55%  ?

Will Lady Gaga be inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame?

Total Votes: 2677
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27 comments so far (post your own)

I'll have to put a gun to my head if she is ever seriously considered for the hall of fame.

Posted by Matt on Monday, 01/7/2013 @ 13:16pm

better than justin bieber but still shit

Posted by elisabetta on Saturday, 01/19/2013 @ 06:31am

Diane Warren Responds to Linda Perry's Claim That Lady Gaga Didn't Write 'Til It Happens To You'

Posted by Roy on Tuesday, 01/19/2016 @ 20:22pm

Linda Perry Apologizes for Lady Gaga Oscar Claims: 'I Made a Mistake to Comment'

Posted by Roy on Tuesday, 01/19/2016 @ 20:23pm

Defintely yes, better than most modern artists out there. In these past couple years she’s really shown just how versatile she truly is. Happy birthday Gaga!

Posted by Christian on Wednesday, 03/28/2018 @ 19:29pm

Lady Gaga went on to revolutionizing Euro dance-pop into the mainstream to experimenting with other genres such as jazz and country music. Gaga has an undeniable talent. She will be remembered for her outrageous fashion choices (meat dress) and her amazing vocal ability and music showwomanship.

Posted by Doug V on Wednesday, 06/6/2018 @ 16:27pm

I feel like she has a better shot than ever after all her success with A Star is Born- a golden globe, critic's choice award, 2 grammys for "shallow" with another for "Joanne", and likely an Oscar coming up. She's the real dea.

Posted by peter on Friday, 02/15/2019 @ 15:39pm

well, she won an oscar- the song and the album are both #1, 11 years into her career. good for her

Posted by ptw on Tuesday, 03/5/2019 @ 10:11am

Just read through all the comments starting in 2009. And it's amazing to note how many people were llike she'll be gone in a few months. And how Madonna is way better. But guess what? Like more than a decade later, she's a critically acclaimed actress with an actress (Cher vibes anyone?) and she is now without a shadow of a doubt better than Madonna. In fact, Madge just dropped her new album Madame X today and it really is shit. She sounds terrible. Meanwhile, in just a decade Gaga has done so much things Madge which she could've done and is really trendsetting. Artists today now list her as an influence like Ava Max (Sweet but Pyscho) and her early songs are viewed as one of her best. And she really can sing, unlike Madge who NEEDS autotune to even sound audible. Just saying. Little Monsters for ever. #PAWSUP. Can't wait for LG6!!

Posted by Perrell Cooper on Friday, 06/14/2019 @ 17:47pm

*Oscar. I mean't oscar guys. And I did the Cher comparison because Cher had both a thrivng musical career and acting career at the same time while people were ridiculing her and saying she's over. To me, Gaga is the new Cher. She'll be around for the next 100 yrs or so. Mark my words. Meanwhile Madonna has 9 razzies. Ha Ha Ha. Can't sing live to save her life (EUROVISION anyone?) Just so funny how life is. Now MOTHER MONSTER is on top. Confessions on a Dancefloor was Madge's last good album. Everything after that is shit. Currently listening to Madam X as I type this. Hopefully one day when I'm rich and famous and probably Prime Minister of the UK or Pop or something . . . This will be looked up and be talked about. You never know :( An african sounding song from Madame X is playing now. I just looked on SPotify. It's called Batuka. Dunb shit. Bout sing say hallelujah. Say Amen. Do better Madge. Really waiting to see charts this Tuesday. Hope LIzzo makes it to number 1. Her slow but steady climb reminds me of Gaga's Just Dance walk to the top. 22 weeks but still made it. Turning 15 in a few days (JULY 16th). Can't wait! ! ! ! !

Posted by Perrell Cooper on Friday, 06/14/2019 @ 17:52pm

She's pretty talented for a pop act. She has potential.

Posted by Liam on Saturday, 08/31/2019 @ 21:29pm

Lmao these comments from 2009 are hilarious. I would be willing to bet that Gaga will be the first "2010s artist" to be inducted.

Posted by RG on Wednesday, 10/23/2019 @ 17:05pm

Shes an amazing artists a legend in the making. Already surpass what some artists have done and try to do in a lifetime.

Posted by Donna on Thursday, 11/14/2019 @ 06:58am

i feel like her chances should be higher now, no?

Posted by duh on Friday, 12/6/2019 @ 00:33am

Her videos are crazy as hell. The lyrics are cool. The only thing they really need to become rock hits are drums, bass, some screaming and a guitar. If we put Corey Taylor, Dave Grohl, Buckethead, Trent Reznor, and Lady GaGa in a room, I am fairly certain we will get what we're looking for. She'll just be the next Courtney Love, without the dead grunge singer.

Posted by Jacksin on Saturday, 04/18/2020 @ 06:57am

2020: Sine From Above (Lady Gaga and Elton John)

Posted by Roy on Wednesday, 05/13/2020 @ 16:58pm

taylor swift's induction chances on here being so much higher than gaga's is a joke lol

Posted by lmao on Saturday, 05/23/2020 @ 14:14pm

Rock fans don't get it that some (not all) pop music is great. Lady Gaga is one of those rare pop musicians that are actually pretty good.

Posted by Liam on Monday, 06/15/2020 @ 12:37pm

If Boomers don't think Gaga deserves to be in the Hall should really check out her collab with Metallica.

Posted by Kyle Wrist on Wednesday, 08/26/2020 @ 12:41pm

she'll get in eventually, definitely within 10 years of being eligible. maybe 5?

Posted by sour on Monday, 11/30/2020 @ 23:36pm

Lady Gaga Performs The National Anthem At Joe Biden's Inauguration | MSNBC

Posted by Roy on Wednesday, 01/20/2021 @ 14:14pm

i swear to god im gonna write a letter asking why her induction chances aren't higher

Posted by lmao on Saturday, 08/28/2021 @ 21:17pm

I think Lady Gaga will get inducted to the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame the first year she becomes eligible.

Posted by Brian Schonour on Wednesday, 08/10/2022 @ 21:44pm

Of course!! She has the most awarded song in History "Shallow", Even Google has gone Gaga, She writes all her music and she's a Beyond great Musician. She's more complete as an artist!! She has done so much for The LGBTQ community, Sexual Assault/Rape survivors,Mental health awareness, She has her own Foundation for making a Konder and braver world. She helped unite the world and rose 125 million in Covid-19 relief. Also She saved my life from suicide many times. Her Born This Way Album saved lives, Her voice and message is Pure and meaningful. Shes Beyond a Rockstar <3

Posted by Lupillo Andrade on Sunday, 05/7/2023 @ 07:12am

Sure, barring any great set back….

Metallica needed the same 20 years after they're start as The Rolling Stones did for induction.

Posted by Robert Lahti on Wednesday, 09/13/2023 @ 14:57pm

Sure, barring any great set back….

Metallica needed the same 20 years after they're start as The Rolling Stones did for induction.

Posted by Robert Lahti on Wednesday, 09/13/2023 @ 14:59pm

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Future Rock Legends is your home for Lady Gaga and the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, including year of eligibility, number of nominations, induction chances, essential songs and albums, and an open discussion of their career.

This site is not affiliated with the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum.