Dolly vs. the Rock Hall, Part 3


On the morning that the 2022 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame ballots were due, Dolly Parton was finally asked what she would do if she was inducted, after she had previously asked to be removed from contention (but denied by the Hall of Fame).

Well, I’ll accept gracefully. I will just say thanks and I will accept it because the fans vote, but when I said that, it was always my belief that the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame was for the people in rock music. And I have found out lately that it’s not necessarily that. But if they can’t go there to be recognized, where do they go?

So I just felt like that I would be taking away from someone that maybe deserved it - certainly more than me because I never considered myself a rock artist. But obviously there’s more to it than that.

The timing of Dolly's two statements has been awful. The initial request to be removed from contention came six weeks after the nominees were announced, and three weeks after voters had a chance to fill out and return their ballots. Subsequently, many voters have honored her request to be removed from consideration and cast their ballots towards other artists, perhaps assuming she wouldn't accept the award or attend the induction ceremony. Her latest statement, which clarifies her feelings towards the honor, comes after nearly all ballots have already been cast and counted, and leaves many voters wondering if they should have voted for her anyway.

When the nominees were originally announced in early February, Dolly Parton was assumed to be a heavy favorite for induction. But with the ensuing uncertainty around her nomination, it's now less clear whether she has received the votes to get in.

The class of 2022 inductees should be announced this week.